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Urban Archaeology

Architectural Design Of Governmental HIstoric and Cultural Complex on the grounds of former order Castel Konigsberg, Kaliningrad, Russia

Client: Non-Profit Partnership "Urban Planning Bureau" Heart Of the city"' Kaliningrad

Area: 3.3 Ha. Total Covered area: 50728 sq.m.

Estimated Cost: 172.2 cr. (approx)

Site has a layered history of discontinuity and contradictions, and at the end, it has been abandoned leaving a void to the present city of Kaliningrad.

Our design method is built around notions of Reclaim -  Recognize – Resurrect.

We reclaim the site by giving it back to the city (urban reclamation)

We recognize the rich history of the site (archaeological exploration

In turn, we resurrect the site as a Social, Ideological, Temporal Entity (SITE).

A Cultural Public Place replaces presently abandoned Urban Void, which was historically a Private Castle

Urban Design | Architectural & Landscape Conservation | Building Repair |Landscape design

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